This is dimmed because you lack the necessary privileges to post a message to this thread. This is dimmed because you lack the necessary privileges to remove the current message. This button gives you a list of messages to view. This button asks you for the date of a message to view. This button asks you for a message number to view. Click here to add a message to this thread using new topic. You need “write” privileges to be able to add messages to threads. Click here to add a message to this thread using the same topic as the current message. You can post your reply to this thread, or send it by electronic mail to the author of the current message. Click here to permanently remove the current message from this thread. You can delete messages that you posted when you have the necessary BBS privileges. This shows the number of the current message and the total number of messages in this thread. Click in this button to view the next message in this thread. Click in this button to view the previous message in this thread. Scroll bar Use the arrows to scroll the message a little at a time. Click in the gray bar to scroll a windowful at a time. Drag the white box to scroll to a different part of the message. Conference screen You can copy, print or save the message that appears here.